
Symptoms such as bleeding, itching, etc.

Symptoms that indicate hemorrhoids can also turn out to be other rectal or anus disorders. Pain in the abdomen does not always have to be appendicitis or inguinal hernia.

We would like to provide you with some information in advance. In this context, it is important to note that symptoms are pronounced differently in different patients and that most diseases lead to many different symptoms.

Basically, remote diagnoses are not possible. If you have symptoms, it is important to get to the bottom of them.

But we also know that these diseases are unpleasant and much taboo. We have arranged our practice for you in such a way that you can feel comfortable with us and your privacy is guaranteed.

Lumps and swellings on the anus

Lumps that form next to the anus can be warts, such as the contagious genital warts (condylomas).

Blood clots, e.g. after firm pressing, so-called anal vein thromboses, are common.

Loose skin folds are usually harmless mariscs.

If tissue prolapses during defecation, it may be hemorrhoids or polyps.

Severely painful swellings may be an anal abscess, for example, due to an anal fistula.

Especially if the lumps are hard and growing slowly, colon cancer should be ruled out.

Pain in the anal area

There are different types of pain and different situations that increase the pain. This is very important for diagnosis. For example, anal fissures typically cause stabbing pain during bowel movements, and anal thrombosis causes permanent, throbbing pain. Dull deep pain may indicate an infection, an abscess, and painful bowel movements may indicate mucosal inflammation of the bowel, such as gonorrhea or syphillis.

Hemorrhoids often do not cause pain.

Pain is an acute symptom, e.g., due to inflammation, and should be investigated quickly.

Wet in the buttock fold

Hemorrhoids are not the only cause of mucosal secretions. Similar to the nose in a cold, the anus can also be oozing if a condition is present.

Itching of the buttocks

Itching is a typical symptom of hemorrhoids and is caused by inflammation of the skin at the anus, for example, due to excessive moisture. Other causes of itching are infections caused by bacteria, fungi and viruses. Worms that crawl out of the intestines at night onto the sensitive anal skin also cause itching.

Burning in the buttock fold

If the skin is severely inflamed, the annoying itching develops into a painful burning sensation, with pain especially during anal hygiene. This may indicate hemorrhoids, eczema, fissures,mariscae and fistulas.


What is constipation? Sluggish bowel movements lead to constipation. Here healthy diet, healthy food intake, i.e. eating slowly and chewing well, sufficient fluid intake and physical exercise can help.

Sometimes, however, enlarged hemorrhoids or mucosal inflammation cause permanent pressure in the rectum, or the feeling of an urge to defecate, and thus feign constipation.

Very rarely, an intestinal tumor is also responsible for constipation because it obstructs the lumen of the bowel.

Fecal incontinence

Fecal incontinence or fecal retention weakness is divided into 3 stages (diapers, wetness, and solid stool) and may be due to sphincter weakness or injury (e.g., after difficult childbirth). Often, however, patients experience it as incontinence when the bowel secretes mucus as a result of proctologic disease (anal thrush). Hemorrhoids and functional disorders in the sensitivity and motor function of the intestinal muscles can also lead to this extremely unpleasant symptom. Treatment of the cause restores a tight and continent anus.


Eczema means skin inflammation and occurs due to various causes or stimuli that disturb the environment and integrity at the anus.

The skin in this region of the body is very sensitive and therefore vulnerable. In the pore there is no good ventilation of the skin, in addition there are stool residues, sweat and often also wrong or also exaggerated hygiene measures.

For example, wet wipes are toxic or poisonous for the sensitive anal skin due to the preservatives they contain. In this case, one speaks of irritative toxic eczema.

Other skin diseases such as psoriasis, neurodermatitis or allergic reactions lead to problems, especially at the anus, and require treatment.

Infections through anal intercourse can sexually transmit diseases such as chlamydia, gonorrhea (gonorrhea), syphilis, hepatitis or HIV. This leads to severe skin inflammation in the anal area.

Bacteria can also infect the anal skin by other means, especially if it is pre-damaged due to the irritative toxic eczema described above.

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How to find us

Proctology and surgery practice Munich, directly at the subway station Max-Weber-Platz

Einsteinstrasse 1, 81675 München


Office hours

Mon 7:00-17:00
Tues 7:00-19:00
Wed 7:00-17:00
Thu 7:00-19:00
Fri 7:00-14:00