Proctology and Surgery News

In medicine, and especially in our field, there is always something new, interesting and worth knowing to report. Here we keep you up to date about our practice and our activities. And sometimes we have a useful health tip for you!

KI in der Medizin
13. May 2024

Applications of AI in healthcare – How artificial intelligence is shaping the future of medicine

The application of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare opens up promising opportunities to improve patient care and advance medical research. From the early detection of diseases to the development of new therapies, AI systems can m
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Der Schrei
19. March 2024

Post-operative pain – we have something for it.

Pain after surgery and its prevention is an important topic in the healthcare sector. To give you a few figures: in 2021, around 8.1 million outpatient operations were performed in Germany, and the trend is rising. For this reason, a re
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Ärztliche Kunstfehler - nicht bei uns
26. September 2023

Medical errors, rather not with us!

In 2022, the medical service of the health insurance companies identified 2,700 medical malpractices that resulted in permanent damage to patients. Of these 2,700 malpractices, 2/3 occurred in the context of inpatient treatment. If one tak
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Augmented Reality Microscope (ARM)
19. September 2023

Fighting cancer – with artificial intelligence

Google, in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Defense and other technology partners, is developing an AI-driven microscope to help doctors detect cancer. The device is called the Augmented Reality Microscope (ARM) and will cost betw
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18. September 2023

At Max Weber Square

As you know, our proctology practice is located directly at Max-Weber-Platz - and this square has changed its face several times in the last 100 years. Did you know that Max Weber Square owes its name to two important personalities? In
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Weg mit dem Krankenhausmüll - Nachhaltigkeit in der Medizin
9. May 2023

Sustainability in medicine

Did you know that hospitals are the fifth largest producer of waste in Germany?! Per hospital bed, the costs for waste disposal amount to 800€ per year (Jochen A. Werner, Smart Hospital, Med. Wiss. Verlagsgesellsch.). And did you know t
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17. April 2023

Why we are specialized in outpatient surgery

In a recent multi-center study with over 6 million (!) participants published in the World Journal of Surgery, it was shown that patients recover faster and better after outpatient surgery than when the same surgery is performed in the hos
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Minimalinvasive Operation in unserer Praxis
3. April 2023

Less is more: outpatient surgery and minimally invasive procedures

Outpatient surgery and minimally invasive procedures are medical procedures that can usually be performed without an inpatient hospital stay. In the case of outpatient surgery, patients are usually discharged home on the same day, while mi
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8. March 2023

Moving images

Welcome to Proctology & SurgeryPractice Munich Next time we would like to welcome you personally!
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How to find us

Proctology and surgery practice Munich, directly at the subway station Max-Weber-Platz

Einsteinstrasse 1, 81675 München


Office hours

Mon 7:00-17:00
Tues 7:00-19:00
Wed 7:00-17:00
Thu 7:00-19:00
Fri 7:00-14:00